
Showing posts from December, 2019

The health benefits of juicing

Mint-kale-cucumber-lemon-chia-spinach juice blends are all the rage, and for good reason—they're chock-full of benefits—but sometimes, you just want to go back to basics. We asked Marissa Lippert, founder of Nourish Kitchen + Table, to take us through the health benefits of our favorite fruit juices. (Just remember: Always go for cold- and fresh-pressed and avoid anything with added sugars.) 1) Watermelon Juice. Made up of over 90% water, this juice is one of the most hydrating options you can find and contains antioxidants that help decrease chances of heart disease, cancer and high blood pressure. Drink it while working out—the citrulline helps to reduce muscle soreness and lower chances of inflammation (bonus: the amino acid is also a natural libido booster for men). Our pick: WTRMLN WTR. 2) Pomegranate Juice. An antioxidant bomb, pomegranate juice is filled with vitamins E and C to help reduce wrinkles and protect against sun damage. Pomegranate juice also helps to minimize in...

How to do a juicing guidelines for your diet?

Preparation is the first step to enjoying a great juice cleanse. You can maximize the benefits of your next cleanse by dedicating a few days to preparation. Plus, you'll enjoy a more pleasant experience and avoid a potential "healing crisis" by cleaning up your diet in the days leading up to your juice cleanse. Our recommendation is to pre-cleanse for 2-7 days depending upon your current eating habits and lifestyle. Decide which category below best describes you and follow the recommendations for the appropriate length of time for your pre-cleanse diet. Health Food Aficionado: You are a health enthusiast who is off your “usual” track and needs a Reset to get back to your norm of clean eating - 1-2 days is likely enough time to set you up for great success. If kale is a regular part of your diet and you wouldn’t be caught consuming high fructose corn syrup, this is you! What Juice Can I Drink If I Have Diabetes

Understand the purpose of juicing

With juice bars popping up in almost every city these days, juicing seems to be the new health nut go-to. People are trying out juice cleanses to shed pounds, detox, or just add a nutrient-packed snack to their diets. If you’re interested in trying out juicing or a juice cleanse, it’s important to understand the purpose of juicing, its benefits, and the best way for you to incorporate juice into your diet. What Is Juicing? In essence, juicing is extracting the juice from whole fruits and veggies. Some people may wonder why it has become so popular in the past few years, especially since we can simply purchase ready-made fruit and veggie juices at the store. The nutrients in the store-bought juices, however, are nowhere near the quantity or quality of those in fresh homemade juices made from whole (and if possible, organic) fruits and vegetables, because the nutrients in store-bought have been pasteurized. Juicing allows the preservation of the natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes of...

Know about juicing before trying for weight loss

Surviving on takeout and hitting up too many happy hours has suddenly caught up with you. Now, you’re ready to make change after realizing you don’t feel great. Is a quick juice fast the best way to get back on track–and lose a few pounds? Although you may have seen people boast about their results on blogs or social media, plant-based chef and dietitian Alexandra Caspero, R.D., says it’s not a good idea. “There’s something euphoric about fasting,” she tells Men’s Health. “A certain population is drawn to it. I don’t recommend it, but I understand it,” she says. Here’s what you need to know about juicing for weight loss and whether it’s actually a good way to shed a few extra pounds. What Juice Can I Drink If I Have Diabetes What is juicing? Juicing involves squeezing veggies and fruits to remove the fiber, which is the pulpy stuff that’s left behind in your juice machine, explains...

Pros and Cons of Juicing

With the influx of health nuts and fitness junkies slamming back cold-pressed juices, you’d be hard-pressed not to think about juicing. But, is it healthy and beneficial enough to be storming the juice bar or cranking out your own concotion; or is it just a health fad? Well, you already know that diets packed with fruits and vegetables reduce your risk for chronic conditions and diseases that can lead to an untimely death; but produce also plays a key roll in weight management. And odds are good you’re not getting the five servings a day recommended by the USDA. (In fact, CDC data shows only a third of US adults eat two-plus fruits, and about a quarter get three-plus veggies, daily. Yikes.) So to close up that gap, most experts agree that juicing can help pack more nutrients into your day. There’s some research (like this study in the journal Nutrition) that supports that recommendation as well. What Juice Can I Drink If I Have Diabetes

Healthy juicing recipes for every morning

Juicing is one of the best ways to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Fresh fruit and veg help improve our immune system, fight off disease, give us energy, and improve skin and overall health. If you find it difficult to get enough portions of these fresh foods in your diet, you should definitely give juicing a try. Healthy Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss- A New Juice Every Day Juicing allows you to make delicious combinations of juices that the whole family will love. With some juicers, you will be able to keep the juice for up to 3 days before it starts oxidizing. This means that you can juice two or three days a week and just enjoy delicious and fresh juice whenever you want. What Juice Can I Drink If I Have Diabetes Let’s have a look at a few simple and tasty recipes for juicing beginners. 1. Antioxidant Blast Ingredients: beet, strawberry, and blueberry Antioxidan...

How juicing smoothie is more dangerous?

As fresh juicing and smoothies becomes more popular, it’s important to know that there are a few minor risks. I stress that these are VERY minor, and nothing that should discourage anyone from juicing or smoothies with all the amazing benefits including better health, more energy, a delicious alternative to sugary drinks especially for your children, and my favorite, the most convenient way to consume all the recommended daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact, a fresh juice or smoothie is just about the healthiest thing you can do for yourself, your family, and your friends! So let’s be aware of these concerns, but keep a healthy perspective! Food Borne Illness The CDC reports that produce is the leading cause of food poisoning in the US (although more hospitalizations are due to dairy products and more deaths are attributed to poultry). Produce with the greatest risk are melons (the rough skin traps bacteria and gets carried to the flesh when cut) and packaged pre-cut...

Is juicing actually good for you?

Freshly juiced fruit has become a staple in many diets – especially those of busy, health-conscious consumers who can save time on making (and perhaps even chewing) their food without missing out on nutrients. Fruit juice also has been linked to claims that it can help you both lose weight, and ‘detox’ your system. All of which, of course, has made it highly lucrative. The global fruit and vegetable juices market was valued at $154 billion (£123bn) in 2016 and is expected to grow. But is juicing really as healthy as we think? You might also like: • Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? • Are you eating enough salt? • Cold remedies: Old wives’ tales… or legitimate science? Most foods containing fructose – a naturally occurring sugar found in all fruits and fruit juices – don't seem to have harmful effects as long as they're not contributing to excess daily calories. This is because the fibre found in whole fruits is intact, and the sugar is contained wit...