How to do a juicing guidelines for your diet?

Preparation is the first step to enjoying a great juice cleanse.

You can maximize the benefits of your next cleanse by dedicating a few days to preparation. Plus, you'll enjoy a more pleasant experience and avoid a potential "healing crisis" by cleaning up your diet in the days leading up to your juice cleanse.

Our recommendation is to pre-cleanse for 2-7 days depending upon your current eating habits and lifestyle. Decide which category below best describes you and follow the recommendations for the appropriate length of time for your pre-cleanse diet.

Health Food Aficionado:

You are a health enthusiast who is off your “usual” track and needs a Reset to get back to your norm of clean eating - 1-2 days is likely enough time to set you up for great success.

If kale is a regular part of your diet and you wouldn’t be caught consuming high fructose corn syrup, this is you!

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Weekend Warrior:

You eat well most days, indulge a bit on the weekends and are looking for a solution to make consistently healthy choices.

Before diving into your juice cleanse, spend 3-4 days in your pre-cleanse elimination phase to rid your body of remnants of too much caffeine, alcohol or processed foods.

Victim of SAD (Standard American Diet):

Maybe too much to do in too little time leaves you regularly eating SAD - consisting of processed or pre-packaged food, and not enough fresh, nutrient dense plant-based foods.

To avoid potential unpleasant detox symptoms and achieve your best Reset, commit to 5 days of a pre-cleanse diet.

Junk Food Junkie:

Indulging in fast food, sugary sweets, and sodas on the regular sound like you?

Let your energy levels, metabolism, attitude and digestive system experience a Reset so you can live your healthiest and happiest life. We recommend that you embark on a 7-day pre-cleanse phase to reduce potential detox symptoms and prepare your taste buds for your cleansing journey!

What Juice is Good for Gout

Drink More Water

Cleansing reconnects you with your body’s needs. Dehydration is commonly mistaken for hunger, so drink more water to keep your cells hydrated and eliminate false hunger. Drinking water is also an important first step in preparing for your juice cleanse because it transports nutrients to your cells.

Cut Back on Caffeine

For best results while cleansing, we want to bring your body into a more alkaline state.

If you typically enjoy coffee or drink soda, take measures to wean off of these highly acidic, caffeinated beverages before your cleanse.

For coffee-lovers, if cutting coffee out of your diet is not a personal goal, it is not essential to completely eliminate it during your cleanse. As a solution, you may opt to drink a low-acid, cold-brew coffee, choose to upgrade your cleanse with our Energy Kit or transition to a matcha green tea as a way to still get a bit of caffeine without disrupting your alkalinity levels.

Can You Mix Fruits and Vegetables When Juicing

Eat and Drink More Fruits & Veggies

Up your enzyme intake and start introducing more fruits and vegetables into your routine by including at least a few servings of raw fruits and vegetables into your diet now!

Lean Away From Animal Products

In the 1-2 days before your Reset Cleanse begins, aim to eat a strictly plant-based diet… meaning no meat, no eggs, or dairy products.

If you typically eat more than one serving of animal products per day, try to cut that down in the week before your cleanse. Animal products place a higher demand on your digestive system than plant-based foods do. It is ideal to begin easing the burden on your digestive system so that it’s ready to kick into high gear once you begin your juice-only Reset.

Eliminate Processed Foods

The sooner that you can eliminate processed foods from your diet, the better.

If you can’t pronounce the ingredient or don’t know what it is, chances are your body won’t know what to do with it either and you are adding to your toxic burden (unless of course its a superfood). Be careful of junk that is disguised as health food with labels like “natural” and other trick marketing buzzwords.

And lastly, remember to EAT ORGANIC WHENEVER POSSIBLE!
Once you’ve completed your pre-cleanse elimination diet, what are the next steps? Identify a cleanse program that best suits your needs and goals!


Pick your perfect Reset: choose a 1-5 day cleanse! Each day is comprised of 6-bottles of cold-pressed, organic goodness for maximum nutrition.

Designed for new and expert cleansers alike, our Classic Reset is our tried-and-true fan favorite with the perfect amount of sweet, mineral rich fruits and alkaline, antioxidant-dense veggies.

Lemon is Your Juice Cleansing Friend

Warm water with lemon first thing in the morning is an incredible liver stimulant that begins the cleansing process before you even have your first sip of juice. Warm lemon water is a ritual that we encourage you to keep pre, during and post cleanse for awesome health.

Stay On Schedule with Your Juices

Aim to drink a juice every 2 to 2.5 hours.


For some people, 6 to 8 juices per day may feel like a lot. However, if you space out your juices over 12 hours, finishing your last juice roughly 2 hours before your fall asleep - your body will thank you. Skipping juices will likely leave you hungry later and may result in your blood sugar crashing. Even if you are not hungry, when it is time for your next consecutive juice, drink up.

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Tips For A More Effective Juice Cleanse
• Dry brushing: Dry brush your skin daily during your cleanse to help slough away dead skin cells and opens your pores for the elimination process.Read our top 4 suggestions for a great dry brushing experience..
• Sweat it out: Breaking a sweat is your body’s most efficient method of toxin elimination. Try this Ginger Detox Bath Soak, take a brisk walk or jump rope to help your body generate heat on a cellular level.
• Eliminate waste: It is not uncommon to see a decrease in elimination as your cleanse continues. Less in can equal less out. However, it is important that you pay attention to your body’s signals. If you are experiencing detox symptoms like nausea, but have not eliminated waste from your intestines, you may need to courage elimination through an herbal laxative (senna), enema or colonic.

Understand The Must Chew Now Syndrome (M.C.N)
If you are experiencing M.C.N., first check-in with yourself and see if you are really hungry or if you are simply craving that chewing sensation.

If the answer is the latter, let it go! YOU CAN DO THIS.

If the answer is that you are truly very hungry and you need an extra something to push through… HONOR THIS.

Do not beat yourself about having a sensible snack and then jumping right back on track with your juices. An avocado, a green salad, a piece of fruit or small handful of nuts will not undo all the good that you are doing.


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