Common Juicing Mistakes

Juicing is amazing and if you do it right, you are opening your body up to a new world of awesome nutrients that you might otherwise have struggled to get in your diet. It is one of the best ways you can flood your bloodstream with a high dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will give you an amazing boost of life.

I've been juicing for years and have picked up a few tricks of the trade along the way that I wanted to share with you. Remember, even if you are making some of these mistakes, you are juicing and therefore are on the path to better health and that's better than not juicing at all! I hope these tips can help you make the most out of your juice.

1. Too Many Sweet Fruits And Vegetables

Juicing is an awesome way to get nutrients into your body as they are absorbed straight into your bloodstream. It gives your body a direct shot of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. One of the common mistakes though of newcomers to juicing is adding too much fruit into their fresh juices. Although fruits are filled with vitamins and minerals, they also expose your body to a large amount of sugar in the form of fructose.

Dr Mercola as featured in Hungry For Change says, "Fructose is not your friend. It is one of the enemies of helping you slow down the aging process. You have to limit fructose, especially in the form of juice."

diabetic juice recipe

Now, that's not saying you can't add a bit of fruit to your vegetable juices to give it an extra boost of flavor, but too much fructose can cause your blood sugar levels to spike, which isn't great for sustained energy and is also not good for people suffering from Candida and diabetes.

If you do find it hard to swallow the taste of vegetable juices, trying adding lemon or lime to your daily concoction, as they're low in sugar and high on flavor!

2. Your Juice Is Lacking The Color Green

The key to making healthy vegetable juices is to make green vegetables the bulk of every serving. Green juices are packed with awesome nutrients. True to the nature of green vegetables, they produce chlorophyll, which when you consume it helps oxygenate your body. This helps to detox and cleanse your body, improve the circulation of your blood and as a result give you an awesome natural boost of energy! Another awesome thing about green vegetables is that they won't spike your blood sugar and insulin levels like fruits and sweet vegetables (carrots and beets).

Keep sweet vegetable juices as a treat, and stick to green for the majority of the week. One of the best green vegetables for juicing is Romaine lettuce, give it a try if you haven't already! You might be pleasantly surprised at how amazing it tastes and how well it compliments all your other green vegetables in your juice. If you're stuck for ideas on what types of green juices you can make, here are some awesome vegetable juice recipes

how to make apple juice without a juicer

3. Timing Is Everything!

If you want to get the most out of your healthy fresh juice, drink it on an empty stomach (at least half an hour before a meal). Why's that? Your body will be able to absorb all the amazing nutrients of the juice quicker, will waste nothing and by doing so, will use the smallest amount of digestive energy in the process.

A juice is not meant to be a meal replacement, it's meant to be an extra bonus of goodness that you're treating your body with to bring you optimal health. The easiest time to juice is first thing in the morning and then have breakfast about half an hour later. You will feel the difference to your body, trust me!
4. Not Cold Pressed
If you're tossing up whether to buy a cold press juicer (also known as masticating or slow juicer) or a centrifugal juicer, we'd recommend spending a little bit extra and investing in a cold pressed juicer. They not only produce a superior quality juice, they also allow you to extract more juice from your fruit and vegetables, and will save you money in the long-term!

Can You Mix Fruits and Vegetables When Juicing

A cold press juicer slowly compresses fruits and vegetables to 'squeeze' out the juice instead of using high speed force to separate juice from pulp like a centrifugal juicer does. Cheap centrifugal juicers also introduce heat and oxygen in the process and destroy the enzymes and nutrients in your fruits and vegetables.

If you don't have a cold pressed juicer, that's ok! Remember, any juicing is better than nothing as you've already begun to make a difference to your health!

If you are thinking of buying a new juicer and want to know more about the differences between centrifugal and cold press juicers, check out our Juicer Buying Guide. It includes a wealth of information about the differences between the two and handy tips you might not have known.

5. Not Drinking It Right Away

Juicing does take a small amount of effort and dedication, but the effects your body will feel are well worth those extra 15 minutes in the morning! As handy as it might be to make up a large jug of juice and keep it for a few days, you are robbing your body from the huge amounts of nutrients it could be receiving.

Try to drink your juice straight away! After 15 minutes, light and air will destroy a lot of the nutrients and also all the awesome antioxidants will begin to lose their potency. If you are strapped for time and can't drink it straight away, transfer it to a dark airtight container in the fridge and try to consume it within 24 hours. It may not be as nutrient dense as super fresh juice, but it's still better than not drinking juice at all.
6. Your Juice Isn't Clean

Juicing removes the fiber from your fruit and vegetables, which helps you absorb the nutrients quicker, but the downfall is that your body will also be digesting pesticides and chemicals if you're not using organic produce. If you want to buy organic but can't afford to buy everything organic, check out the clean 15 dirty dozen shopper guide that shows you which fruit and vegetables have a higher pesticide rating and should be bought organic if possible.

best masticating juicer under $200

7. Drinking Your Juice In 3 Seconds Flat

Juice is not meant to be thrown back and gulped within 3 seconds like a shot of tequila. Sit down and take your time sipping your juice. Treat it with respect and even swirl it around in your mouth before swallowing. This allows for your digestive enzymes to start working and will help your body digest your juice faster.

Sitting down is one of the best things you can do when drinking juice, as it allows you to be in a relaxed state of mind. Our stomach and digestive systems are very sensitive. If you are rushing and drinking on the run, your body is in a state of fight or flight and can compromise the digestive process and uptake of nutrients. Take a seat, take your time and enjoy your juice in a relaxed state and with intention.

8. Not Juicing At All!!!

If you're not juicing at all, then it's time that you started! Your body will thank you for the abundance of goodness you will be providing it with a power hit of minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, carbs, proteins and much much more!  Make it part of your daily routine and you will feel the difference both inside and out. You might notice that your complexion clears up and has a natural glow, and also that your immune system becomes stronger and you feel more sustained energy throughout the day.

If you struggle to get enough raw vegetables in your diet, then juicing is the perfect option for you!

Don't settle for store-bought juices as most are not fresh and therefore not living, active foods. Most are heated which kills all the amazing goodness in your fruit and vegetables and are also filled with added sugars.


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