How Juicing will Improve Your Health?
Water plays a huge role in your overall health. If you don’t get enough water, you’ll end up dehydrated. Your body begins to slow down when you’re even A LITTLE dehydrated, so adding more liquid to your diet is a good way to keep your body running at top speeds.
The dietary fiber in raw foods is important for your digestive health. Juicing may remove the majority of the fiber, but what’s left in the juice will improve the health of your heart, your cardiovascular system, your liver, and your digestive tract.
Veggies are loaded with healthy minerals, all of which are supremely important. Potassium is needed for muscle function, calcium is needed for bone health, zinc is needed for a fast metabolism, and iron is needed for healthy circulation. All of these minerals can be found in veggies!
Fruits and some vegetables will give you the vitamins you need to be healthy. Vitamin A is needed for eye health, Vitamin C is needed for your immune system, Vitamin E protects your body from oxidative stress, and the B vitamins play a huge role in your metabolism and energy production.
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Did you know that some veggies contain enzymes that will actually make digestion easier? These enzymes help to break down the food you eat, and promote healthy absorption of nutrients.
Thanks to all of these things that you get from a few cups of juice every day, you’ll improve your overall health drastically!
Here Are Some of the Ways in Which Juicing Boosts Your Health
Aside from the nutrients that you get from the fruits and veggies, there are many more reasons that juicing is good for your health:
It Detoxifies Your Body
Thanks to the high fiber and liquid content of your natural juices, your body is flushed of toxins and free radicals. By getting rid of these harmful substances, you avoid A LOT of serious health problems–including heart disease and cancer.
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It Promotes Weight Loss
Losing weight is the healthy way to avoid cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and many other obesity-related health problems. Those juicing for health will usually find that it’s much easier to shed pounds, as the juices prevent hunger pangs without adding too many calories to your diet.
It Is Convenient
Instead of having to suffer through bite after bite of the veggies you don’t like, you can just take a few gulps of a green juice and get all the nutrients you need. Plus, it’s very time-efficient!
It Is Delicious
Who doesn’t love a cold cup of green juice on a hot day? If you are looking for a tasty way to get more fruits and veggies in your diet, there are few more delicious options than making yourself cups of natural green juice.
It Is Energizing
Not only do these juices provide you with calories to burn as energy, but the detoxifying of your body will help to replenish your energy levels. You feel better about yourself after drinking these natural juices!
The truth is that juicing is one of the best things that you can do for your overall health!
How-to’s of Juicing for Health
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What kind of juicer do you want to be?
#1: Casual Juicer
You enjoy a glass or two of green juice per day, but you’re not too particular about what you put through the juicer.
Grab whatever fruits and veggies you can find and grind them up to make a delicious cup of juice.
Definitely a good way to improve your overall health!
#2: Hardcore Juicer
You know everything about the fruits and veggies that you are using, and you’ve learned which combinations of foods make the best healthy green juice recipe.
You use juices to supplement your diet, and they’re a major part of your life. You have all the equipment you could possibly need to make natural juices at home.
Both types of juicing will help you to improve your overall health, but it’s easier and cheaper to juice casually.
Fruit vs Vegetables
Now we get down to the nitty-gritty of juicing…
If you want to get the best results from your juicing, it’s important that you use more veggies than you do fruits. Why is this?
Fruit is WONDERFUL for your health, and you’ll find that most fruits give you a wide assortment of nutrients, such as:
• Apples are loaded with natural fiber, as well as nutrients that help control your blood sugar levels and boost digestive health.
• Cherries are effective immune boosters, and they can help to fight infections and inflammation.
• Grapefruits boost your metabolism, provide lots of Vitamin C, and are loaded with pectin.
• Grapes are rich in antioxidants, and contain lots of Vitamins A, B6, C, and folic acid.
• Blackberries contain tons of phytonutrients and Vitamin K, can reduce your risk of prostate cancer, and feed your body testosterone-producing nutrients.
• Lemons are one of the best sources of Vitamin C, and can help to detoxify your body.
• Pomegranates are one of the best natural sources of antioxidants, which help to reduce damage to your vascular system.
• Papayas are nature’s healing fruit, and they contain an enzyme that can help to reduce swelling.
The truth is that fruits are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, so it’s a good idea to include fruits in your green juices.
Best of all, fruits are naturally sweet. They contain fructose, a natural form of sugar that is healthy to eat. Fruits should be the sweet base of your juices, giving them the delicious flavor that you enjoy.
However, fruits should only play a SMALL part in your green juice. The same sugar that gives them their sweet flavor can lead to high glucose levels, weight gain, and other health issues. If you are juicing for health, it’s important to use more veggies than fruit.
Vegetables are very low calorie, meaning they won’t add to your waistline as they improve your overall health. You’ll find that veggies are the best sources of certain minerals, and there are a lot of benefits to adding vegetables to your diet.
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For example:
• Broccoli is rich in antioxidants, Vitamins A and C, and folic acid. It’s also an immunity-boosting food!
• Tomatoes are loaded with the prostate-cancer fighting antioxidant lycopene, not to mention lots of Vitamins A, C, and K.
• Brussels sprouts may be a bit smelly, but they’re one of the best sources of the folic acid that pregnant women need.
• Squash is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and other nutrients, which makes the veggie capable of fighting off arthritis and asthma, among other problems.
• Carrots are one of the best sources of Vitamin A, which helps to improve eye and organ health.
• Spinach is rich in the cardiovascular health-boosting mineral iron, along with folic acid and many other important phytonutrients.
• Sweet potato contains manganese and iron, along with Vitamins A and C. It’s an effective cancer-fighting food!
• Bell peppers aren’t just colorful, but the bright red, yellow, and orange coloring comes from antioxidants that improve your overall health.
You can see that vegetables are not only lower in calories than fruit, but they’re also richer in nutrients that will improve your health. The majority of your juices should be rich in veggies, with fruit as the base of the flavor!
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